Passive House

Building Healthy, Comfortable, Sustainable and Efficient Homes

Passive House, or Passivhaus in German, is an energy-efficient building standard that minimises energy consumption while maximising comfort and indoor air quality. Originating in Germany, this approach uses advanced construction techniques with airtight construction, better-insulated walls, high-performance windows, combined with a ventilation system that maintains fresh air without heat loss to keep optimal indoor conditions throughout the year.


  • Energy Savings - up to 90% reduction in heating/cooling energy.
  • Better Comfort - consistent temperatures and no cold spots.
  • Healthier Living - exceptional indoor air quality reduces allergens and pollutants.
  • Environmental Impact - significantly lower carbon emissions.
  • Quiet Environment - high-performance windows limit external noise.
  • Cost Savings - lower energy bills and tax incentives and reduced green home loans.


Energy Efficiency ⚡️

Passive House homes reduce heating and cooling energy use by up to 90%. The design utilises passive solar design, energy recovery, insulation and airtightness to reduce reliance on conventional energy sources. The reduction in energy consumption leads to lower power bills and cost savings for the home owners.

Comfort and Consistency ☺️

The airtight construction and advanced insulation materials used in Passive Houses ensure that indoor temperatures remain consistent throughout the year between 20 - 25 degrees, regardless of external weather conditions. With no drafts, cold spots, or overheating, Passive Houses provide a comfortable living environment.

Improved Air Quality 😷

A key feature of Passive Houses is the use of mechanical ventilation with a heat recovery systems (HRV). The system continuously brings fresh air into the house while recovering the energy from the outgoing air, plus filtering out pollutants, allergens, and moisture creating a healthier indoor environment. 

Environmental Sustainability 🌳

By drastically reducing the energy required for heating and cooling, Passive Houses significantly reduce carbon emissions. Passive Houses encourage the installation of Photovoltaic Solar panels, further reducing fossil fuel energy consumption and reliance on the power grid. 

Soundproofing 🎧

Due to the superior insulation and high-performance windows, Passive Houses provide an exceptionally quiet indoor environment. External noises, such as cars, trains, airplanes, etc  are significantly reduced, making these homes comfortable and peaceful.  

Cost Savings 💰

The energy-efficient system of Passive Houses results in substantial cost savings on power bills. Additionally, the government may offer incentives, tax breaks, and subsidies for energy-efficient buildings, making Passive Houses even more financially appealing. 


Thermal Insulation: Keeping heat in (or out)

Proper insulation provides a critical barrier between your heated or cooled indoor space and the fluctuating outdoor temperatures. It enhances thermal comfort, reduces the risk of condensation and the need for additional heating or cooling. 
Passive House Windows: High performing windows with double/triple glazing
Passive House windows are double or triple low-e glazing, filled with argon or krypton gas to prevent heat transfer and avoid condensation. The windows are strategically placed to allow winter sun to warm your space while reducing heat gain during the summer.
Mechanical Heat Recovery Ventilation: The core system for efficiency
This system maintains air quality by removing stale indoor air and bringing in fresh, filtered air from outside. As the air passes through a heat exchange element, the outgoing air transfers the heat to the incoming air to maintain the indoor temperature, reducing energy use, improving air quality, and preventing condensation and mould growth. 
Airtightness:  Essential for no draught or leakage
A sealed building envelope minimises gaps and cracks, reducing energy loss by leakage, unwanted draught and noise transfer. Passive Houses are tested to a maximum of 0.6 air changes per hour. 
Thermal Bridge Reduction: Getting the details right 
Thermal bridges can compromise your building’s energy efficiency and introduce cold spots, condensation and the risk of mould. Careful design and planning of edges, corners, and connections are essential to prevent these weak points.

Passive House design is a forward-thinking approach to building homes that prioritises energy efficiency, comfort, health, and sustainability. 


The Passive House Institute (PHI) standard establishes uniform performance metrics for buildings worldwide and oversees the certification process, allowing a building to be designated as a Certified Passive House. Examples of the standard are:

  • Thermal comfort 20° - 25° 
  • Maximum RH humidity 60%
  • Max. heating/cooling load 10W/sqm 
  • Max. annual heating/cooling demand 15kWh/sqm
  • Heat recovery ventilation 
  • Airtight construction


Building a Passive House comes with higher upfront costs. The additional investment can be supported by cost savings and an increase in capital value; some examples of cost benefit are:

  • Reduced energy bills - up to 90% lower heating/cooling costs in comfortable homes. 
  • Lower interest rates - home owners can benefit from green home loans.
  • Less maintenance costs - high quality materials reduce long term repair costs.
  • Increased property value - energy efficient homes can get higher re-sale values.
  • Less medical expenses - living in a healthier, cleaner and mould free environment.  

KGA can calculate the specific cost benefits for your project and determine when the cost for the additional investments have been returned, helping you achieve financial freedom.

Choosing a Passive House design is a smart choice to enjoy a healthier, quieter, and more cost-effective living environment, while contributing to the global effort to combat climate change.


  • Speak to us - call 02 9560 0888 or email us

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